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The easiest way to design a Digital Filter
COMING SOON: an implementation re-design with plugins for extended development by the comunity.
Software Description
WinFilter is a software tool provided as freeware to design digital
filter. A Window interface makes it very user friendly.
This software can design as well IIR filters as FIR filters
and can generate the C and VHDL code. The digital filters
models are:
Chebyshev I
Raised Cosine
All IIR filters are a transformation from the S domain to the Z
domain with the Bilinear Transformation and the aliasing
correction (not the matched Z transform).
Screen Shots
The WinFilter is composed of a dialogue box at left and a document
window where the digital filter description and performance are
As you can see, radio buttons and boxes are the filter parameters.
The button "Calculate" takes the selected parameters and
the graphical results in the window document. The Frequency
Response, Phase and Group Delay are calculated. The Zeros and
Poles are plotted on a Z plan. The Impulse and Step Response
are also show.
The graph's value pointed by the mouse is displayed in the right
side of the status bar.

The C code can be generated and the filter graphical results can be
exported in a GIF format file.

VHDL code can be generated in 2 models : Size or Speed Optimized. Both
designs run over 160 MHz in a Virtex2 (grade -4) FPGA.

System Requirements
• IBM PC compatible computer running Microsoft Windows 98/2000, NT, or
Why should you donate?
If you think this little tool is useful to you, then it's a good reason to do a donation.
Your gratitude and finance help will motivate me to continue WinFilter project development.
Releases |
Description |
Software Download Link
next release
VHDL code for IIR filter.
Add/Remove Pole/Zero possibilities
Filter conversion from S domain to Z domain.
not yet available
December 6th, 2004 |
NEW! Version
0.7 Bug fixes. |
98, Me, NT, 2K and XP (206 KB) |
July 26th, 2004 |
filter coefficients are now quantizied in float, 16-bit or 8-bit.
Synthezis in VHDL (speed or size optimization) with
a Resources Usage Estimation
for FIR
Version 0.1 Bug fixes.
98, Me, NT, 2K and XP (205 KB) |
March 12th, 2003
This first release software can
design IIR and FIR filter with
Butterworth, Chebyshev
I, Bessel, Raised Cosine and Rectangular models.
The C code can be generated and the graphical results saved in GIF
format file.
Windows95, 98,
NT, 2K and XP (440 KB)
This software was created by Adrian Kundert, B.Eng.
I wanted to increase my digital signal processing knowledge. This web
page is for the free distribution and further development of
Please report any WinFilter software bugs or new ideas here
(use winfilter keyword in the subject).
All reported
problems will help me to continue the development of this digital
filter design tool.
Last Update: May 16th, 2012
Visitors Counter: 289706